Silver Price Over the Last 12 Months
Every quarter, our analysts publish an updated quarterly scenario-based silver price forecast. Readers can expect analysis on key developments and announcements that impact the silver price.
Capitalight Top 20 & Primary Silver Equities Indices
Analysis on silver producer trends and our proprietary Capitalight Top 20 Silver Producers Index and the Primary Silver Producers Index can be found in the Silver Monitor.
Gold to Silver Price Ratio and the US Dollar
The Silver Monitor periodically provides analysis on the Gold to Silver ratio and the U.S. Dollar which dissects the correlation among these assets.
Silver Monitor Offers
About the Silver Monitor
The monthly Silver Monitor features deep dive analysis into the underpinnings of the silver market. This publication covers not only silver market supply and demand factors, but also macroeconomic factors and events on the silver price. Past topics have included interest rates, inflation, government policy, recessions, market volatility and the US dollar. We include an updated quarterly scenario-based silver price forecast.
We also provide analysis on silver producer trends and have created the Capitalight Top 20 Silver Producers Index and the Primary Silver Producers Index. Past articles have covered trends with silver mine producing firms including industry concentration, financial performance and stability, and implications with operating conditions due to changing ore grades.